It all started with “what if…”

How did Iceburg come to be? It all started from a dream and a question I asked myself, “What if…”

I was eating lunch in my truck, when my wife called me and asked me if I could pick up a few things at the store. Her list wasn’t long, but it contained items that needed to stay cold, and I was sitting in front of the store.

I thought to myself wouldn’t it be cool if I had something in my truck that I could use to keep stuff cold. That way I could finish up my day at work and wouldn’t have to run back to the store after work. Just then I looked in my rearview mirror and a truck drove by with a tool box in the back. I asked myself, what if…

Iceburg was born out of a dream and an everyday need. It has since developed into a multi use truck bed accessory that provides entertainment, storage, cooler space, a way to advertise a business, a PA system and much more. Iceburg is not just for tailgating. It helps make your life better.

We strive to make Iceburg better everyday. We are constantly thinking of new ways to use it and new accessories to add to it to make the enjoyment of using the Iceburg better and better.